Tilly Smith, a school girl from Sureey in England, is very enthusiastic about her geography classes. But on December 26, 2004 Tilly
discovered that geography was the most interesting school subject. After
she had come across the incident on the beach Tilly was sitting there.
In Phuket, Tailand, as if the sea suddenly disappeared for a moment.
While big waves were forming, Tilly and the tourists watched. them at
first, they weren’t afraid, but Tilly became anxious. She wanted to
leave the beach quickly and she remembered that they had studied
earthquakes. She recognized what was happening, but the other tourists
weren’t moving from the beach. She was very tense. Tilly told her motherabout tectonic plates and an earthquake in the sea. Tilly became very
upset. At the end she was desperate to leave the beach with her
family. Tilly’s father told the other tourists about the danger.
Everybody was running to the safety when the first of the three tsunami
waves came to the beach. The waves were destroying the small tourist
centre. After the tsunami, a lot of tourists were grateful for Tilly’s
interest in geography. Her parents were glad she had been attentive during
her geography class. The tsunami was a terrible accident to thousands of people. But, thanks to Tilly, it didn’t kill or damage anybody on
Maikhao beach.