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Напишите пожалуйста рассказ про блоху от имени англичан, повесть ''левша''дам 100 баллов

Литература (373 баллов) | 115 просмотров
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A small story or a story “Lefty”, the most famous and popular works of Nikolai Leskov,Russian author of the 19th century. Thanks to the talented cartoon 1964, many contemporaries learned the name of the Tula craftsman Levsha who shod a flea. Is acquainted with the summary of the story “Lefty” to have their own idea of Leskove as a writer whose work the could appreciate the contemporaries of the writer, but it is not appreciated by modern readers. Although connoisseurs of Russian classics can not help but admire a strikingly melodious, harmonious and at the same time, a distinctive language of Leskov. A surprisingly easy style of the presentation event, will make sure to finish any work. But back to the story “Lefty”. The events take place in the early 19th century, when the sovereign-Emperor Alexander Pavlovich has traveled to Europe and examined all sorts of achievements of foreign masters. In England, viewing the Museum, he is overjoyed when he showed musical snuffbox. When it was opened, began to sound the music, popped up the mechanical flea, which started to dance to the tune. The Emperor came to a complete delight from this trinket. Accompanying the Cossack ataman Platov, not paying attention to diplomacy, began to convince the king that Rossiikaya the master is not worse than the English mechanics. The British are offended by Platov, but decided to give the Russian Tsar a mechanical flea.Upon returning to Russia, a mechanical flea is present in the Cabinet of curiosities, where she discovers a new sovereign Emperor Nikolay Pavlovich. Considering it is this curiosity, along with his daughter, who loved the dancing flea.  Once the flea stopped dancing, and she wanted to send to England to English master repaired his toy. But ataman Platov persuaded the king to bring the case to a private, Russian masters from Tula. He also takes them to the gimmick.Tula masters start to fix fleas and performing policy Platov to confound the British, horseshoes her, attaching to her paws horseshoe, which is difficult to see even with a microscope.Platov Lefty takes with them, so he personally brought the flea to England and showed the British what they are capable Russian artisans.Left-handed character is comic and tragic at the same time. Funny his whole appearance - red, oblique, and even left-handed. A tuft of hair on the temple torn while studying on her cheek is a birthmark. On the one hand is experienced, unique master with Golden hands. After all, the Lefty has produced and secured the nails of a horseshoe and despite the fact that he is left-handed oblique. On the other hand is a downtrodden, humble man, not having an opinion.Arriving in England, he shows the British iron-shod flea, what leads them to wonder. The British convince the Lefty to stay. Show how they live contentedly artisans. Lead him through different workshops, brag about their achievements. Lefty was particularly struck, for cleaning guns, the English do not use red clinker brick. Met with Lefty, the British and decided to return home to Russia. On the ship they began to argue with the skipper, who perepet, and all the way competed in the drink.  Skipper English not an example of a Lefty, was the body stronger and eating better. At the end of the road both got sick, but the Englishman on arrival was sent to the Embassy building, where he was cured. And Lefty weren't needed, and he was sent to the hospital for the poor, to die. And even in delirium he kept saying that the British rifles do not clean brick, and it is necessary to inform the sovereign, otherwise there will be trouble.So perished of an obscure left-Handed Russian artisan, whose name became a household word for craftsmen.

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