Сделайте пожалуйста перевод слов:
1)Ape, appliance, archaeology, challenge, civilization, collapse, creature, decade, discovery, drought, ecosystem, evidence, evolution, find, impact (on), invention, investigation, pygmy, report, requirement, skull, species, supply, survival, tool.
2)Accelerate, advance, alter, contribute, convince, evolve, function, invent, lessen, maintain, occur, puzzle, rely on, research, run out, separate, shape, supply, survive, sustain, wonder, rush (ahead).
3)Advanced, average, challenging, civilizing, considerably, crucial, descriptive, developing, evolving, glacial, gradually, inventive, miniature, prehistoric, primitive, pygmy, reliable, required, slightly, spiritual, sustainable.
4)Basic science, become crucial, climate change, be dependent on technology, be in deep trouble, data processing, date back, densely populated, do research, do without sth, rule your own life, global warming, hand in,, in response to, maintain balance, make a discovery, nobody’s fool, rely on technology, run out