Как написать по английски время: 22:15, 13:30, 10:40, 9:55, 16:25, 19:45. Пример: 14:10 It`s 10 minutes past two in the afternoon. от 0 до 12 (mornig) от 12 до 18 (afternoon) от 18 до 22 (evening) от 22 до 24 (night)
1.22:15 It`s a quarter past ten in the night. 2. 13:30 It`s half past one in the afternoon. 3.10:40 It`s twenty minutes to eleven in the morning. 4.9:55 It`s five minutes to ten in the morning. 5.16:25 It`s twenty-five minutes past four in the aftenoon. 6.19:45 It`s a quarter to eight in the evening.
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