Tidy Ted's always tidy
from his head to his toe,
But nevertheless,
Ted's a pig you know!
But he brushes his teeth
and washes his face,
He's the cleanest of pigs
in the whole piggy place!
Ted ironed his clothes
and polished his shoes,
And made up his bed
after taking a snooze.
But the most remarkable
thing of all?
Ted kept his room clean…
from wall to wall!
Ted even ate meals
with manners and grace;
While the other pigs made
a mess of the place!
They slurped, and burped,
and dribbled, and ran;
But Tidy Ted ate
like a true gentleman.
"What's wrong with that pig?"
they'd say with a snort,
"He's truly a pig
of another sort!"
"Our way is better!
Who cares if we're clean?"
"Good manners and cleaning
just make us turn green!"