Заполните пропуски предлогами:
1. My sister likes to translate articles......English......Russian.
2. This girt doesn't speak......German.
3. Why are you not looking......the screen?
4. Does your colleague know a lot.....stories.....funny people?
5. What do you think.....his new article.....this newspaper?
6. How many people do you see.....this picture?
7. Are you going.....the country .... bus or.....train.....Sunday?
8. My friend was bom.....the 21 .....June..... 1978.
9. What are you going to buy.....your friend.....London?
10. Why is your friend going to stay.....Moscow..... summer?
11. Are you going to have tea.....5 o'clock?
12. Does your friend play.....оте vioHn or.....the cello?
13. Do you study.....the university.....this year? 14. Do you make translations .... work or.... home?
15...... what time do you usually come.....home.....work?
16. Do you like to listen.....the radio.... your car?