1) dough (тесто) - 8mixture of flour and water to milk
2)to bake (печь, выпекать) - 5to cook something in an oven
3) flour (мука) - 6powder from ground grain
4)baking soda (пищевая сода) - 9powder to make baked goods rise
5)to beat (взбивать) - 10to stir with energy to make smooth
6)to preheat (разогревать) - 11to warm the oven to bake somethin
7)walnut (орех) - 4a kind of nut with an outer shell
8)oven (плита) - 1 an enclosed space for baking
9)to stir (перемешивать) - 7to mix ingridients
10)to place (помещать) -2to set or lay something
11)extract (экстракт) - 3active ingridient taken from something