Student A: "Hello. Could you tell me if there is a comedy or a musical with well-known actors starring on tonight?" Student B: "There is no musical on but there is a comedy on called 'Adventure of the Moon'". Student A: "What time is it on?" Student B: "It starts every half an hour: at 12, at 12:30, at 13:00 and so on" Student A: "I would like to book two tickets somewhere between 6 and 8 p.m., however, preferably around 7 p.m." Student B: "Where would you prefer your seats to be? Bear in mind, that almost all the tickets have already been sold out" Student A: "Could you have a look if there are two seats left somewhere in the middle, please?" Student B: "Let me have a look. Okay, we've got four seats available in the sixth raw at 7:30p.m. and about twenty seats available between the first and the eighth raws at 8p.m. (С этого момента уже от себя добавляю чтобы закончить диалог) Would you like to book tickets?" Student А: "Yes please, could you book two tickets for 'Adventure on the Moon' at 7:30 p.m.? " Student B: "Sure. May I have your name?" Student A: "It's Michael" Student B: "All done, two tickets are booked for you at 7:30 p.m., you can collect and pay for them once you get here " Student A: "Thank you" Student B: "You are welcome. Enjoy the movie"