As the mowers ran after him, he looked back and cried:" Run!Run! as fast as you can, you can not catch me, i am the Gingerbread Man!" And the mowers could not catch him. Bu now, the little Gingerbread Boy was so pleased with himself that he was quite sure that nobody could ever catch him. So when he met a fox, he called out to him: " i have run away from a little old woman, and a little old man, a cow, a horse, a barn full of threshers, a field full of mowers, and i can run away from you, i can!"
"I do not want to catch you, " said the fox. Just then, the little Gingerbread Boy reached a wide river. He could not swim, but he wanted to get across the river. "I will take you across," said the fox. "Jump on my tail." So the little Gingerbread Boy sat on the fox's tail and the fox began to swim. When the fox had gone a little way, he said: " You are too heavy for my tail, and you may get wet. Jump on to my back." The little Gingerbread Boy jumped on to the fox's back. When he had gone a little farther, the fox said:"You may get wet where you are. Jump on to my shoulder." So the little Gingerbread Boy jumped on to the fox's shoulder. When the fox had gone still farther , he said: " My shoulder is getting wet. Jump on to my nose . you will keep dry there." so the little Gingerbread Boy jumped on to the fox's nose. As soon as the fox reached the bank of the river, his teeth snapped at the Gingerbread Boy!