Once upon a time I was walking down the forest. It was a forest near to my village. I don't actually remember the time, but it was closly to midnight. The Sun has already sat, but the moon hasn't raised yet. I knew that pathway i walked as my fingers on right hand. That day I didn't know, that night was going to be the last for me.
Getting close to the end of my night trip, I felt a strange tickle upper stomach, and some girl whispered me: "Turn left... I'm waiting...". I frightened and quickly turned over. There were nobody, but the voice didn't vanish. The girl told me to turn another way again... and again. When I was ready to scream and run home, something took control on me, and my member cuts here. Next thing I remember is a woman with her fangs in my neck. It was my last night... Last night of my human side.