Переведите плз Однажды одного мальчика из 6 школы оставили после урока. Учитель сказал...

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43 просмотров

Переведите плз
Однажды одного мальчика из 6 школы оставили после урока. Учитель сказал ему чтобы не выходил из класса, а то получит двойку. Мальчик с этим согласился и стал звонить маме что задержится в школе. Его мама ответила ему что надо идти домой . Она не поверила и сказала ему идти домой. Мальчик не хотел уходить, ибо получит двойку.
Прошло полчаса учитель еще не пришел в кабинет. Мальчику уже стало скучно и он хотел выходить. Но решил что надо подождать еще чуть чуть.
Прошло еще пол часа и мальчик решил выйти из класса. В школе не было света. Была глубокая тишина. Чуть мальчик шагнул так услышал крик девочки. Мальчик скорее побежал на крик. Он прибежал вниз на вахту и увидел что на полу лежит вахтерша, связана по рукам и ногам. Она отчаяно кричала и звала на помощь.В глазах у нее был ужас. Он решил ей помочь. Когда она увидела мальчика , то сказала ему убегать быстрее из школы и не оглядываться. Но он оглянулся и увидел два красных глаза смотрящих на него с темноты. Это был его учитель которого я ждал много времени. Мальчик не успел убежать...

Английский язык (43 баллов) | 43 просмотров

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на английский


он может быть не совсем точным

Дано ответов: 2
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Правильный ответ

One day one boy of 6 schools left after the lesson. The teacher told him not to come out of class, and then get a deuce. The boy agreed and began to call mother that stay late at school. His mom told him that we should go home . She didn't believe it and told him to go home. The boy didn't want to leave, for get two.
Half an hour passed the teacher still did not come to the office. The boy was bored and he wanted out. But decided that we have to wait a little bit more. 
It took another half hour and the boy decided to leave. In school there was no light. There was a deep silence. A little boy stepped so heard the girls scream. The boy soon ran to the Creek. He came down to watch and saw that lying on the floor vahtersha tied hand and foot. She desperately screamed for help.In her eyes there was terror. He decided to help her. When she saw the boy , then told him to run faster out of school and never look back. But he looked around and saw two red eyes looking at him from the darkness. It was his teacher who I've waited a long time. The boy could not escape...

(90 баллов)
0 голосов

One day, a boy of 6 left school after class. The teacher told him not to go out of the class, and then get a deuce. The boy agreed with this and began to call her mother that linger in the school. His mother told him that we should go home. She did not believe it and told him to go home. The boy did not want to leave, because get a deuce.It took half an hour the teacher has not yet come into the office. The boy has become boring and he wanted to go. But he decided that we should wait a little bit.It took another half an hour, and the boy decided to get out of class. At school, there was no light. There was a profound silence. A little boy stepped as he heard the cry of the girl. The boy soon ran shouting. He ran down to watch and saw it lying on the floor vahtersha, bound hand and foot. She screamed and desperately calling for pomosch.V eyes she was horrified. He decided to help her. When she saw the boy, then I told him to run away faster from the school and did not look back. But he looked back and saw two red eyes staring at him from the darkness. It was his teacher that I have waited a long time. The boy managed to escape...

(136 баллов)