1)Измените данные глаголы на герундий и вставьте подходящие по смыслу формы в предложения внизу. Используйте каждый глагол только один раз. To live можно использовать дважды. to live, to work, to sing, to have a cup of coffee, to travel, to surf the net, to listen, to be late, to understand, to fight
1. _______in the city is more exciting than_______ in the country. 2. _________to my favorite music makes me happy. 3. _________for human rights is very important. 4. __________abroad widens professional outlook. 5. You have a very beautiful voice; I love your _________a lot. 6. This is very sensitive topic: I hope for your__________ . 7. You are never on time. You have to do something with your constant____ . 8. __________is not the best pastime on a nice summer day. 9. __________is nowadays much faster than 20 years ago. 10. Only ___________ in the morning really wakes me up.