Fill in the blanks with ought, to be (to), to have (to).
1. Don’t contradict her, you ... to respect her age. 2. She is not a bad sort, if somewhat capricious; so you sometimes... to put up with her whims. 3. The situation grew awkward. He felt that something ... to be done, or else the party would break up; so he ... to say a few conciliating words to put the guests at their ease. 4. He was boiling with rage, but he ... to control his feelings not to give himself away. 5. I thought I ... to do something to return their hospitality. 6. Not a living thing ... to be seen. 7. Why do you ask my opinion? You have been in the business much longer, you ... to know better. 8. You are a father, you ... not to neglect your duties to your children. 9. According to the rules of the game a football player ... not to touch the ball with his hands. 10. He ... to have taken the floor and spoken in favour of the proposal. 11. Ring me up at 6. The situation ... to clear up by then.