ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СДЕЛАЙТЕ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 34 балла за лучший
1. Fill in the blanks with "have got" or "has got".
1. Alice a· nice umbrella.
2. Tigers _ sharp teeth.
3. Grandfather __ a new magazine.
4. I_ a birthday cake.
5. We_ a good fridge.
6. The pupils _ ·twelve desks in the classroom.
7. That boy ·_ an accordion.
8. Julia two sandwiches.
9. Foxes _ long beautiful tails.
7. Write the sentences in the negative.
1. Charlie has got three big dogs.
2. H;er sisters have got Italian books.
3. My.mother has got a sister.
4. Your·brothers have got good computers.
5. Henry has got a shark.
6. Our grandfather has got a deer.
7. Julia and Carol have got mice.
8. I have got a big green frog.
9. We have got a house in the country.