Sea turtles — the turtle family from the superfamily Chelonioidea. Unites a large sea and ocean turtles, with a sleek heart-shaped or oval carapace covered with Horny shields, and neftehimiya limbs-flippers. Big head will not retract under carapace.The method of laying the same among all species of marine turtle: females looking for the right place on the beach and begins to rake the sand back paws until it forms a round hollow 40-50 centimeters in depth. In this pit the female lays eggs (the number depends on many factors), and then covered with sand and carefully tamp, making the clutch as inconspicuous as possible. The whole process takes about an hour, after which the female returns to the ocean and no longer cares about his offspring. After incubation period the baby turtles break the shell with a special egg tooth and are on the air through the thickness of the sand.Already at this stage the mortality among newly hatched young are extremely high. However, most emerge from the sand turtles never reached the pelagic waters, as most of them will be eaten by land predators, and the rest will have to wait for sea. The percentage of sexually Mature turtles in each clutch does not exceed a few hundredths, which is a serious obstacle to the restoration of populations of marine turtles.