Complete the following text by translating the -words or expressions in brackets. The (законодательная ветвь) - (конгресс) - consists of the (Сенат) and the (Палата Представителей). Each (сенатор) is elected for six years and each (представитель) for two years, with no limitation on the number of (сроков). Each of the 50 states elects two (сенатор) under a system in which one-third of the (Сенат) is elected every two years. А (сенатор) must be (старше) 30 years old and must have been an American citizen for (no меньшей мере) nine years. The (Палата Представителей) has 435 members. Each state is divided into congressional districts of roughly (равное) population, and the (избиратели) of each district elect one (представитель) to (Конгресс). А member must be (старше) 25 years of age and must have been an American citizen for at least seven years. Both (палата) of (Конгресс) must (одобрить) bills before they become law. The (Сенат) alone (утверждает) the President's (кандидаты) for high-level official positions and (ратифицирует) treaties with other nations