Help hɛlp your jɔː mother ˈmʌðə set sɛt the ðə table teɪbl With wɪð aə knife naɪf and ænd fork fɔːk and ænd spoon spuːn. . Help hɛlp your jɔː motherˈmʌðə set sɛt the ðə table ˈteɪbl Every ˈɛvri afternoon ˈɑːftəˈnuːn. Help hɛlp your jɔː mother ˈmʌðə clean kliːn the ðə tableˈteɪbl, , Take teɪk the ðə knife naɪf and ænd fork fɔːk and ænd spoon spuːn; ; Help hɛlp your jɔː mother ˈmʌðə clean kliːn the ðə table ˈteɪbl Morningˈmɔːnɪŋ, night naɪt and ænd noon nuːn..