Economics is a social science that studies human behaviour in the spheres of production, consumption, distribution and exchange. Economists analyze economic phenomena, explain them or on their basis, make economic forecasts. Our everyday life and experience are related to the economy. Adam Smith (1723-1790), the founder of classical political economy, defined the concept of economic value and investigated the distribution of wealth between classes – workers, capitalists and landowners. Contemporary Western economists believe that economic issues are associated with the decision of individuals and the consequences of the decisions that are made by people as consumers or administrators of an industrial or commercial firms. Basic economic system in the modern world – market economy. In many ways we are part of the global economy. When we drink coffee in the morning import or buy imported VCRs, we become linked with the global economy, international trade and Finance. Usually, if we want to make an expensive purchase, we several times a year we save. Always consider factors such as inflation, wages, unemployment, personal income.