1) Because this topic is very important.
2) Ecology is an important science because it deals with planetary-wide problems for humanity and it is a science about our environment.
3) People first started speaking about ecology in the 20 th or in the 21st century
4) It uses the information of zoolofy, biology, chemistry, geography and some others.
5) There are a lot of problems and the most important are different kinds of pollution ( air,water, land ), global warming, destruction of ozon layer and many other.
6) It has a great impact on every living thing, for example when we pollute water in rivers and lakes fish die and many animals have lack of food if they eat fish.
7)Human ecology studies the problems with nature which are connected with people.
8) My natural evironment isn't healthy. I live in a big city and it is very dirty because of cars and buses. The air is bad and the soil is also polluted.