The story "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again" written by the world famous English writer John Ronald Ruel Tolkien in 1937. Action in this book happened in the contry named "Middleterrian". Populated by many characters of fairy tales and myths - dwarves, hobbits, goblins, trolls , elves. The protagonist of the book Bilbo - rustic homebody middle age dude, also known as blowjobber. Coerce by mage Gendalf, he goes on a jorney full of dangerous adventures with a group of dwarves. Gnomes are going to return the treasure of their ancestors, captured the evil fire-breathing dragon. On the way friends in danger - trolls, pirates, goblins troops with staneless nuts, and the dragon itself is a dangerous opponent. However, thanks to the courage, skill and ingenuity of the hero and his companions as well as through their many friends, all the adventure ends happily, the dragon is defeated, the invasion of goblins stopped, and the protagonist is sent to his home, along with a small proportion of treasures and magic ring.