1. if a book is "dog-____", is really old and many of the pages are broken/
5. for a very long time. e.g. i saw Bill yesterday, i haven"t seen him for donkey"s_____.
7.To leave a situation as it is so you don"t cause problems/ ( to let ____dogs lie)
9.to be most important person in an organisation. (to be the____dog)
11. a game that children play: two children throw a ball to each other and child in the middle tries to catch it.(____-in-the-middle)
12.a small container shaped like a pig that is used by children to save money in.( a piggy____)
14. to be very happy. ( to be like a dog with two____)
15. to be very basic at something, such as playing football; to be the kind of player who has very little skill. (to be like a ____)
2. To become less successfull; to become dirtier, older and uglier. (to go to the___)
3.to be determid not to change your dicision or option about something even when you are wrong.(to be have yourself like a____)
4. Carry someone on your back, supporting them under their kness.(to give someone a____ride)
6. If a situation is "dog____dog", it is one in which everyone is trying to be successfull, and no one cares about other people.
8. Eat a huge quanity of food noisly and greedily. (to eat like a____)
10. Something useless, or something that you don"t want. (a pig in a____)
11.Sweet like a____.
13.To be have in a ridiculous manner.(to maken an____of yourself)