Disasterusuallyinclude earthquakes, floods, mudslides, landslides, snow drifts, volcanoes, landslides, droughts, hurricanes, storms.Suchdisastersin some cases maybe classified asfires,especiallyforest andmassdisasterstorfyanye.Podunderstandnatural phenomena (earthquakes, floods, landslides, avalanches, floods,hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons,fires, volcanic eruptions, etc.)bearing theextraordinary natureand lead todisruption of normalactivities of the population, death, destruction anddestruction of property.
Natural disasters, fires,accidents ...Different waysyou canmeet them.Confusion, evendoomed,asthere are peopleover the centuriesvarious calamities, orquietly, withunwaveringfaithin themselves, in the hopeoftaming.But it is safeto accept the challengeof disasters canonly ones whoknewhow to actin a particularsituation,to takethe right decision:saveyourself, helpothers, prevent, as far ascan,the destructive actionof naturalforces.