Определить времена глаголов, затем сопоставить их правильное описание
1. We’re going on holiday on Saturday.
2. At the moment, I’m packing things for my trip.
3. The plane to London leaves at eleven o’clock.
4. Susan often goes skiing at the weekend.
5. You’re always leaving the door open.
6. The sun sets in the west.
7. I’m looking for a new job these days.
8. More and more people are going to university these days. a. permanent states, repeated actions and daily routines
b. general truths and laws of nature
c. timetables and programmes
d. actions happening at the moment of speaking
e. temporary situations / actions happening around now
f. trends/changing and developing situations
g. to express criticism or annoyance
h. actions that we have arranged to do in the near future