1. No, i am not superstitious about any numbers.
2. какие суеверия могут принести удачу или неудачу? I don't believe in that, but some people think that a black cat can bring bad fortune, and some think that to have a seat before a long trip is for a good luck.
3. Боишься ли ты чего нибудь? No, I don't have a fear of anything.
4. Есть ли у тебя счастливый номер? No. I don't. I don't have any lucky numbers.
5. Считаешь ли ты себя счастливым или несчастливым человеком? почему? Frienkly speaking i have never thought about that. I can't say that I am a lucky person, because I have never won anything in my life. But I can't say that I am unlucky, because nothing really bad has never happened to me.