Ребята, 100 баллов! Нужно перевести ** английский язык. Пожалуйста, не копируйте из...

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Ребята, 100 баллов! Нужно перевести на английский язык. Пожалуйста, не копируйте из переводчика. Очень важен правильный ответ. Надеюсь на ваше понимание. Отмечу как нарушение, если из переводчика. Спасибо вам заранее!
1. В течение зимы я часто встречался со своими друзьями. 2. Пойдем, нельзя терять время. Мы должны вернуться до рассвета. 3. Она начала одеваться к обеду, на который была приглашена. 4. Келли была бледна и жаловалась на головную боль. 5. Вы ходите в церковь? 6. Была поздняя осень, птицы уже улетели на юг. 7. Подумай о том, какой огромный завтрак ты съел. 8. У нее болело горло и была высокая температура. Врач диагностировал у нее грипп и настоял на том, чтобы отправить ее в больницу. 9. Осенним днем мы пришли к морю, море было спокойное. 10. Миссис Джонсон пришлось пойти в школу, чтобы поговорить о поведении ее сына. 11. Прошлым летом мы ездили в Рим. 12. Был теплый весенний день. 13. За ужином ты едва притронулся к еде. 14. У него случился сердечный приступ, и он не смог поехать с нами. 15. Каждое утро я иду в больницу и начинаю осмотр больных. 16. После ограбления банка Томпсона отправили в тюрьму. Его мать не верила в виновность сына и каждое воскресенье после посещения церкви, она отправлялась в тюрьму, чтобы повидать его. 17. Зима, которую миссис Браун провела в Индии, была самым временем в ее жизни. 18. У него была вся ночь впереди. 19. За обедом все говорила о предстоящем событии. 20. У Тома была сильная простуда, он кашлял и жаловался на то, что у него болит ухо. 21. Рыбаки вышли в море рано утром и вернулись к вечеру, поймав много рыбы. 22. Они должны были вернуться ранней весной. 23. Ночь оказалась очень тихой. 24. Я угощу вас наилучшим ужином, какой вы можете получить в этом городе. 25. Около нашего дома выстроили новую школу. 26. Когда у него заболел зуб, он не стал долго ждать и обратился к врачу. 27. У меня был тяжелый день. 28. Когда у Джонсонов родились дети, они решили уехать из города и купили дом в деревне. Каждое утро мистеру Джонсону приходилось ездить в город на работу. Когда дети подросли, мистер Джонсон стал отвозить их в школу в городе. Миссис Джонсон ездила в город раз в две недели за покупками. 29.Я не забуду день, когда я впервые переступил порог твоего дома. 30. Каждое лето мы ездим на море. 31. Днем и ночью я хочу знать, где ты находишься. 32. Школа стоит на холме, ее видно издалека. 33. Я хочу увидеть вас завтра утром.

Английский язык | 69 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Правильный ответ

1. I have been meeting my friends very often during winter.
2. Let's go. There is no time to lose. We shall come back before sunrise.
3. She began dressing up for lunch she was invited to.
4. Kelly was pale and complained of a headache.
5. Do you go to the church?
6. It was late autumn, the birds have flown away to the south.
7. Think about the huge breakfast you have had.
8. She had a sore throat and a high temperature. The doctor found influenza and insisted on taking her to a hospital.
9. On an autumn day we came to the sea. The sea was calm.
10. Missis Johnson had to go to school to discuss her son's behavior.
11. Last summer we went to Rome.
12. It was a warm spring day.
13. During supper you didn't feel like eating and barely touched the food. 
14. He had a heart attack and he couldn't go with us.
15. Every morning I go to the hospital and start the examination of patients.
16. After the bank robbery Thompson has been jailed. His mother didn't believe her son was guilty and every Sunday after church she headed to the jail to see him.
17. Winter which Mrs. Brown spent in India was the best time in her life.
18. He had the whole night ahead of him.
19. At lunch everyone was speaking about the upcoming event.
20. Tom had got a cold, he was coughing and complaining of an earache.
21. Fishermen put to sea early in the morning and came back by the evening catching a lot of fish.
22. They should have come back in early spring.
23. The night seemed to be very quite.
24. I will suggest you the best dinner you can get in this town.
25. A new school was built close to our house.
26. When his tooth started aching he decided not to wait and went to dentist.
27. I had a hard day.
28. When the Johnsons had children they decided to move from the city and bought a house in a village. Every morning Mr. Johnson had to go for work to the city. When children got older Mr. Johnson kept delivering them to school in the city. Mrs. Johnson went shopping to the city once in two weeks.
29. I won't forget the day when I stepped across your threshold for the first time.
30. Every summer we go to the sea.
31. Day and night I want to know where you are.
32. The school is on the hill. It is visible from far away.
33. I want to see you tomorrow morning.

(64.3k баллов)

спасибо за добрые слова! ;)

0 голосов

1. During the winter I often met with my friends.
2. Let's go, it is impossible to waste time. We should be back before dawn.
3. She began to dress for dinner,  to which she was invited.
4. Kelly was pale and complained of a headache.
5. Do you go to church?
6. It was late autumn, the birds have flown south.
7. Think about what huge breakfast you ate.
8. She had a sore throat and there was a high temperature.
9. In the autumn day we came to the sea, the sea was calm.
10. Mrs. Johnson had to go to the school that to talk about the behaviour of her son.
11. Last summer we went to Rome.
12. It was a warm spring day.
13. During dinner, you barely touched the food.
14. He had a heart attack, and he couldn't come with us.
15. Every morning I go to the hospital and start survey patients.
16. After the bank robbery Thompson has been jailed. His mother didn't believe her son was guilty and every Sunday after church she headed to the jail to see him.
17. Winter which Mrs. Brown spent in India was the best time in her life.
18. He had the whole night ahead of him.
19. At lunch everyone was speaking about the upcoming event.
20. Tom had got a cold, he was coughing and complaining of an earache.
21. Fishermen put to sea early in the morning and came back by the evening catching a lot of fish.
22. They should have come back in early spring.
23. The night was very quiet
24. I will suggest you the best dinner you can get in this city.
25. Near our house they built a new school.
26. When his tooth started aching he decided not to wait and went to doctor.
27. I had a hard day.
28. When the Johnson's had children they decided to move from the city and bought a house in a village. Every morning Mr. Johnson had to go for work to the city. When children got older Mr. Johnson delivered them to school in the city. Mrs. Johnson went shopping to the city once in two weeks.
29. I won't forget the day when I stepped across your threshold for the first time.
30. Every summer we go to the sea.
31. Day and night I want to know where you are.
32. The school is on the hill. It is visible from far away.
33. I want to see you tomorrow morning.

(320 баллов)