Помогите перевести текст на русский язык (англ. язык 9класс Биболетова unit 4, section 2, упражнение 102(А)):
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern in Ireland has four historic parts: England with its capital London, Scotland with its capital in Edinburgh, Wales with its capital in Cardiff and Northern Ireland with its capital in Belfast. The floral symbol of England is the RED ROSE. Earlier, it decorated the arms of the House of Lancaster. The Lancastrians argued for the throne of England with the Yorkists whose arms had a white rose. The war for the throne between the Lancastrians and the Yorkists became known in the history of the country as the War of the Red and white Rose. It lasted 30 years (1455-1485). When the Lancastrians won the war, their arms of the Red Rose became the symbol of the whole England.