Перевести мама папа. мою маму зовут Альбина. Ана работает в магазине. мама любит шопинг и читать журналы о моде. моего папу зовут Марат. Он работает на стройке.
мама- Mum( mother). папа -dad ( father) my mums name is Albina. Ana is working in the shop. My mum love having a shoping and reading a book about style. my dads name is Marat . He is working in the ( как на стройке не знаю)
My mother's name is Albina. She works in a store. Mom loves shopping and reading fashion magazines. My dad called Marat. He works at a construction site. Мама-mother, mum. Папа-father, dad.
Mother(mammy,mam) Father(daddy,dad) Text. My mother's name is Albina.She works at the supermarket.My mother likes shopping and reading fashion magazines. My father's name is Marat.He works at the building project.