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120 просмотров

1. Translate the text by written form.

From left to right:
Top row: Mikhail Gorbachev, born 1931, Stavrapol, Russia, Secretary General of the Communist Party and Soviet Leader 1985-1991, began the policyof Perestroika which brought greater freedom the Soviet Union and eventuallyled to democratic governments in Central and Eastern Europe; Carly Fiorina,born 1955, Austin, Texas, taught English in Italy before joining AT&T in 1980as a sales representative, appointed Chief Executive of Hewlett-Packard 1999;Nelson Mandela, born 1918, Transkeu, South Africa, South African President1994-1999, leader of the African National Congress, imprisoned for life 1964 for his campaign against apartheid, released 1990; Bill Gates, born 1955, Seattle, USA, founder of Microsoft, left Harvard University without a degree, now believed to be worth over $100 billion.
Bottom row: Aung San Sui Kyi, born 1945, Burmese political opposition leader, educated in India and Oxford, returned to Burma 1988 and elected President but blocked by the military and put under house arrest; Akio Morita, 1921-1999, co-founder, with Masaru Ibuka, of Sony Corp. in 1946, inventor of the Walkman, introduced the world's first all-transistor TV in 1960; John Lennon, 1940-1980, co-founder of The Beatles pop group, 1960, one of the key figures in music and youth culture of the 19605, assassinated outside his apartment block in New York; John F Kennedy, 1917-1963, Captain in the US Navy in World War II, elected US President 1961, assassinated Dallas, Texas, 22 November 1963; Margaret Thatcher, born 1925, Grantham, England, British Prime minister 1979-1990, her policies transformed the UK economy, emphasising the importance of the free market and privatisation of the public sector.

2. In your opinion, which factors below are important for getting a job? Choose the seven most important. Is there anything missing from the list? Think about some other factors.
age appearance astrological sign contacts and connectionsexperience family background handwriting hobbies intelligence maritalstatus personality qualifications references sickness record blood group

3. All of the following sentences could be used to describe jobs. Mark
each sentence as follows:
(+) if you think it describes a positive aspect to a job.
(-) if you think it describes a negative aspect to a job.
(?) if it could be either positive or negative.
- It’s well-paid.
- It’s badly-paid.
- It’s challenging.
- It’s stressful.
- It’s hard work physically.
- You work long hours.
- You have to work shifts.
- You need to be talented.
- You need special training and qualifications.
- You need good people skills.
- There’s a lot of job satisfaction.
- There’s a lot of variety.
- There’s a lot of responsibility.
- There are a lot of opportunities.

. 4. Определите видо-временную форму сказуемого. Объясните её употребление.
1. Fewer people receive state benefits now.
2. Her son is coming this morning to fix the computer.
3. The new changes will come to the effect next month.
4. Have you come a long way yet?
5. As we turned the corner the top of the Eiffel Tower came into the view.
6. It was raining and we all got wet.
7. I’ve been waiting for a refund check for several months.
8. Louise had got completely blind before she was sent to Leeds.
9. We are planning to go to Spain this autumn.
10. They will be going from Paris to London by train at that time.

5. Поставьте сказуемое в Present Simple или Present Сontinuous:
1. On hot days the kids (to go) swimming in the river.
2. What time you (to go) tomorrow?
3. I (to leave) early tomorrow to go to the dentist.
4. He (to get) a lot of pleasure from spending time with his grandchildren.
5. It (to get) late – I have to go.
6. On long journeys I always (to take) my dog along.
7. He (to need) to take more exercise.
8. Do you have what it (to take) to be a teacher?
9. Is there any reason to believe that she (to tell) the truth at the moment?
10. Due to reasons beyond our control all flights (to suffer) delays.

Английский язык (57 баллов) | 120 просмотров

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иначе буду отмечать за нарушение за большое количества заданного задания, ученик должен выполнять некоторые задания самостоятельно

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1 Задание
Верховный совет: Михаил Горбачев, родился в 1931, Ставрополь, Россия, Генеральный секретарь коммунистической партии и советский Лидер. 1985-1991 гг начал политическую перестройку, которая принесла больше свободы Советскому Союзу и  и даже демократическим правительствам в Центральной и Восточной Европе; Карли Файорина, родилась в 1955, Остин, Техас, преподавала английский язык в Италии прежде, чем присоединиться к AT&T в 1980 как торговый представитель, назначенный Руководителем Hewlett Packard (HP - известный производитеь техники) в 1999; Нельсон Мандела, родилась в 1918, Транксей, Южная Африка, южноафриканский президент с 1994 по 1999, лидер Африканского национального конгресса, заключенный в тюрьму пожизненно в 1964 за заговор против апартеида, оправдан в 1990; Билл Гейтс, родился в 1955, Сиэтл, США, основатель Microsoft, покинул Гарвардский университет без степени, которая, как теперь полагают, стоила более чем в $100 миллиардов. (дальше сам, текст не трудный)

2 Задание
1) Qualification of a spetsialsit
2) Length of service
3) Quality of the performed work
4) Post
5) Originality of giving of works
6) Ability of work with clients
7) Physical health

3 Задание
- It’s well-paid (+)
- It’s badly-paid (-)
- It’s challenging (?)
- It’s stressful (-)
- It’s hard work physically (-)
- You work long hours (-)
- You have to work shifts (?)
- You need to be talented (?)
- You need special training and qualifications (?)
- You need good people skills (+)
- There’s a lot of job satisfaction (+)
- There’s a lot of variety (+)
- There’s a lot of responsibility (?)
- There are a lot of opportunities (+)

4 Задание
1) Fewer people receive state benefits now. (Present Simple, Обычное действие, повторяющееся регулярно или это факт)
2) Her son is coming this morning to fix the computer. (Present Countinuous, Действие в развитии, незаконченное, происходящее в настоящий момент)
3) The new changes will come to the effect next month. (Future Simple, Действие, которое случится в будущем)
4) Have you come a long way yet? (Present perfect, Действие в прошлом, результат в настоящем)
5) As we turned the corner the top of the Eiffel Tower came into the view. (Past Simple, Действие в прошлом, никак не связанное с настоящим)
6) It was raining and we all got wet. (Present Countinuous, Действие в развитии, незаконченное, происходящее в настоящий момент)
7) I’ve been waiting for a refund check for several months. (Present Perfect Countinuous, Действие, длившееся в прошлом, продолжающееся до сих пор или закончившееся непосредственно перед моментом речи)
8) Louise had got completely blind before she was sent to Leeds. (Past Perfect, Действие, завершенное к какому-то определенному моменту в прошлом)
9) We are planning to go to Spain this autumn. (Present Countinuous, Действие в развитии, незаконченное, происходящее в настоящий момент)
10) They will be going from Paris to London by train at that time. (Future Countinuous, Действие в развитии, происходящее в определенный момент в будущем)

5 Задание (Вы задали не верное условие, в данном предложении Present Сontinuous не может присутствовать ни в одном предложении, условие должно было быть таким:" Поставьте сказуемое в Present Simple или Future Simple")
1) go
2) will go
3) will leave
4) gets
5) gets
6) take
7) needs
8) takes
9) will tell
10) suffer

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Огромнейшее спасибо, учту)


Всегда пожалуйста!)


как выбрать его лучшим?)


обновите страницу


и появится желтый значок


я сто лет на этом сайте не сидела, но по-моему тут должно быть два ответа, чтоб я могла выбрать лучший, либо через сутки отметить ваш. Я значка пока что не вижу( но обязательно отмечу! а то сессия скоро, а английский не знаю, вы мне очень помогли:D


Всегда рад помочь!