Сочинение страшную историю ** английском языке! Очень надо! Не короткую, но и не слишком...

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103 просмотров

Сочинение страшную историю на английском языке! Очень надо! Не короткую, но и не слишком длинную

Английский язык (114 баллов) | 103 просмотров

Психологическую или обычный хоррор?)




И не из интернета а свою, пожалуйста)


История про девушку, идущую поздно домой и боящуюся всего подряд, примешь?


Приму) главное чтобы не выглядело как сочинение пятого класса

Дано ответов: 2
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Правильный ответ

It was a dark, misty evening. Lamp posts barely illuminated the street with dim, glimmering light.
Kate was hurrying to come back home after her extracurricular classes, which had place far away from the place where she lived. She had her mobile phone discharged, and was trying to walk as fast as she could. She found the atmosphere around as very frightening, because this quarter of the city was known as the most criminal and mysterious. Kate was quite sensitive and even paranoid, so she anxiously looked at all the dark spots between houses and out of the posts' light.
She was nearly at the corner of her house's street, when she suddenly felt cold. She saw a moving shadow on her right, and heard strange, horrifying sounds. She hadn't even realised what is happening - just screamed and started to run as fast as she could. She ran up the stairs to her flat, opened the door with her trembling hands and locked it behind her. IT was coming. She needed to hide.

(7.2k баллов)

Я старался сделать историю, достойную существования даже вне школьных заданий)) Подходит?


Да, отлично! У меня еще одно задание есть тоже сочинение, если можешь, помоги! Спасибо)


Обидно, что никто не ставит лучшие ответы(( Но помогу)

0 голосов

It was a night. I woke up because of noise in my kitchen. When I came into the kitchen I understood from were this noise coming. At random I opened the refrigerator and what I saw! All my food was making fun. The laugh and danced. When they saw me they lost and just looked at me. After some seconds banana started talk with me:
-khe, khe. Kmmm. My name is Banana Fresh Yellow junior. I'm a spy under cover. In order to explain to you we need...to make a fiends!!!
All the food was so excited. They started to laugh and the music started to play. 
I was so scared and open my eyes and understood that it was just a dream! However I kept in my mind this strange situation, because I face to face met with a talking banana.

(48 баллов)

Неплохо, но это скорей смешная история а не страшная :D


Я просто подхожу ко всему с юмором))))
Я бы умерла,если бы увидела говорящего бананчика =D