Перевести на английский ее зовут Лиза. ей 9 лет. мы учимся в одной школе. она добрая и вемелая. Лиза занинается спортом: плаваньем и гимнастикой. она живет в Туле. у нее голубые голубые глаза и светлые волосы
Her name is Liza. She is 9 years old. We study at the same school. She is kind and funny. Liza does sports: swimming and gymnastics. She lives in Tula. She has very blue eyes and blond hair.
She's name is Lisa. She's nine years old. We are in the same school. Lisa is good and funny. She is doing sports: swimming and gymnastic. She lives in Tula. She has blue eyes and light hair