Текст ** Англійську мову тема : Опис матусі.

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160 просмотров

Текст на Англійську мову тема : Опис матусі.

Английский язык (111 баллов) | 160 просмотров

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In the life of each of us has one and most important chelovek.Chelovek that gives you the most precious gift - life. Well, of course, I talk about my mother. It is with a capital I want to write the word, because in two short syllables and simple so deeply hidden content!Mom for it and each has its own very special. She is always there and is always ready to support. And if you were asked Well, so, immediately describe your mother? What would you say?My mother is beautiful, kind, intelligent


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У житті кожного з нас є один і найголовніший человек.Человек, який дарує вам найдорожчий подарунок - життя. Ну звичайно ж мова про МАМІ. Саме з великої літери хочеться написати це слово, адже у двох коротких і простих складах приховано таке глибокий зміст!Мама вона для кожної своя і абсолютно особлива. Вона завжди поруч і завжди готова підтримати. А якби вас попросили ну ось так, відразу описати свою маму? Що б ви сказали?Моя мама гарна, добра, розумна і добре готує. Моя мама - незвичайна! Ц


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In the life of each of us has one and most important chelovek.Chelovek that gives you the most precious gift - life. Well, of course, I talk about my mother. It is with a capital I want to write the word, because in two short syllables and simple so deeply hidden content!
Mom for it and each has its own very special. She is always there and is always ready to support. And if you were asked Well, so, immediately describe your mother? What would you say?My mother is beautiful, kind, intelligent and a good cook. My mother - extraordinary! It is the most kind and wonderful person in the world. Mom can make me laugh even when I am very sad because we had the best of friends. I can tell any secret of my mother, and she will keep it, for sure!

(302 баллов)