Помогите, пожалуйста!!!!!!
Complete the sentences with the appropriate forms of the words from the box. Some of the words are used more than once.
advertise, concern, establish, monitor, profit, quality, reason, j
responsible, success, trade, treat, value. :
Example: The majority of Americans in business are honest hard working men and women who want_-------- the consumer fairly.
The majority of Americans in business are honest hard working men and women who want to treat the consumer fairly.
1. They-------------about earning------------for their efforts, but they also---------------- about their responsibilities to the consumer. 2. Sooner or later consumers will identify---------------------firms and refuse------------------- with them. 3. Those firms that acquire a reputation for high --------------------, informative and convenient packaging, labeling and consumer safety are likely---------------. 4. The consumer has the right to expect that the
product will do what it--------------to do for a ------------ length of time.
5. Once a standard of quality----------------by a company, it should not be lowered, and it is the----------- of workers and managers to see that it is not. 6 Firms that pay close attention to------------------------and develop procedures for--------------------------the quality of their products and services are likely to be------------than those who don't. 7. Packaging can perform a number of ---------------functions.