Все действия в столбик 1. (2782+886):8= 2.(2012-968):12= 3.38*43-134=
Но ведь в первом не делится на 8!
Я перепутала цифры
я просто с телефона и неудобно писать
Ай ладно первую не надо я ее сделала теперь остальные
Сейчас напишу в столбик)
Надо 2786 + 886
Напиши снова
Вот тебе сайт ещё что бы решать в столбик http://ru.onlinemschool.com/math/assistance/number_theory/calc/ там в столбик всё)
I'm sending your comments to the complaint, luck
Can you write an interpreter? Or are you weak?
omorrow I do not go to school, so that the plug mitten, it is for learning
Bye, bye. Sweet dreams. :D
So the children go to bed, and then tomorrow we go to school. Children's time is over.
If you were writing in Russian,who would not with you and not in touch, and started to communicate in English
Keep your stupid thoughts to yourself mister
Mister, why do you wrong, just like children? Tonight is the night all sleepy, and that does not begin to understand, I am 12 years old, you have no right to raise tons of me, you stupid man
Yes, today begins, who knows better English.