1. We hoped that they … this problem.
A) will solve
B) solve
C) is solving
D) would solve
2. We hope that they … this problem
A) will solve
B) solve
C) is solving
D) would solve
3. They say that the ozone layer … gradually.
A) is destructing
B) destruct
C) was destructing
D) destructed
4. They say that the ozone layer … by people’s activities.
A) is destructing
B) destruct
C) was destructing
D) is destructed
5. They were sure that those pesticides … the soil.
A) were ruined
B) ruined
C) ruin
D) are ruining
6. They consider that those pesticides … the soil.
A) were ruined
B) ruined
C) ruin
D) are ruining
8. They are afraid that those fertilizers … the soil.
A) would damage
B) damage
C) are damaging
D) damages
9. The scientists told them that the reproductive cells …
A) had been destructed
B) will destruct
C) would destruct
D) are destructed
10. The scientists warn them that the reproductive cells …
A) had been destructed
B) will destruct
C) destruct
D) will be destructed
11. Do you know … capital of …Hungary?
A) the ; -
B) the ; he
C) a; a
D) a; the
13. Until the middle of the 19 century was used as a prison.
A) Great Britain
B) Australia
C) Canada
D) Russia