In the past few years, people pollute the
environment. Most damaging to the Sluch river, which has always given life to
our city. However, every year the river is increasingly deteriorating, and
there are two reasons for this decline: firstly, it is global
warming, which affects not only the America and European countries, but also to
Ukraine, and Novograd-Volynskiy, also we do not have enough water in sufficient
quantity. And this decline does not stop, but continues. No natural recharge of
river water. Secondly, it helps in decline Sluch of the
city's population, which dropped into the river a large amount of waste and
I beg you to take immediate decision on cleaning
of the river Sluch. In my opinion you need to create a Commission that dealt with
these issues. Also the town needs to build ground receiving stations of waste
and emissions. I hope you listen to my request and run it. Останій абзац не переписуй він не правильний!