1. When I hear the word "media" I imagen different newspapers, magazines, television and journalists.
2. Media is the "forth power" is said among people. It's like a special device with a help of which we know about the world news.
3. Of course it has TOO much power. Everything we know we get from media. I think, people can even be zombied by TV. Every day we hear the news about the war in Ukrain, for example. And many young men from our country who see on TV just one side of the medal, leave their families and go to fight for the country they have never been in. May be it's too rude example, but nevertheles...
4. It's very difficult question. The bad thing is that our media policy is aimed at showing that our government, our president are the best ever. They show that all people in Kazakhstan are satisfied with the political programm of the country, that salaries, pension payments grow annualy. They don't swow all the truth. And good thing is...oh, I can't find an answer.
5. It can be understood from my previous answer. No. I don't beleive the media. Everybody lie.
6. Как отличается СМИ сегодня от СМИ 30 лет назад. Затрудняюсь ответить. Можете написать, я Вам переведу.
1. No, I wouldn't like. It's, of course, an interesting work, but, I think, too nervous and even dangerous.